

MNI INTERVIEW (12/2024): BCE pronta al taglio dei tassi di 25 BP. Attesa per previsioni Aggiornate

CNBC (09/2024): BCE pronta al taglio dei tassi di 25 BP. Attesa per previsioni Aggiornate

CNBC: (08/2024) Germania: crolla l’indice Zew. Quali saranno gli effetti sulle decisioni della Bce?


Bruegel Event (11/2023): Government bonds in the ECB collateral framework: What role for credit ratings in the new normal?

Bloomberg: (10/2023) ECB Rates: How to Run Policy After Trilions in Quantitative Easing (QE)

CNBC: (01/2023) Polemiche su Bce, “L’Italia rischia di farsi male da sola”


Milano Finanza (12/2022): l’Italia deve supportare la retorica di Lagarde

Milano Finanza (07/2022): Bce e scudo anti-spread con condizioni

EuroNews (07/2022): Giusto aumento di 50 punti base, manca politica fiscale europea

Milano Finanza (05/2022): Europe day, le sfide aperte sul piano economico

Milano Finanza (04/2022): Macron riconfermato, un sospiro di sollievo per l’Europa

Milano Finanza (01/2022): ecco perché deve essere cambiato il Patto di Stabilità


Sky tg24 (04/2021): Come sarà la governance del Recovery plan

OMFIF (03/2021): After the strategy review: the road ahead for the ECB

Milano Finanza (03/2021): l’Italia non cresce, problema di offerta

Milano Finanza (02/2021): Lagarde prepara il mercato: a dicembre nuovi stimoli dalla Bce


Bloomberg (04/2020): Brussels Edition: Papadia, Gallo on ECB Policy

Aljazeera (04/2020): Can Africa’s healthcare system cope with coronavirus pandemic? Papadia speaking at 19.18

OMFIF (01/2020): Ahead of the ECB: Continuity or change for the bank’s toolbox


Bloomberg (10/2019): Bloomberg Surveillance Full Show. Papadia speaking at 47:11

CNBC (08/2019): Any government that replaces Italy’s coalition would be better for the economy, expert says

OMFIF (07/2019)  – Marcin Stepan, deputy head of meetings is joined by Francesco Papadia, and Alexander Petrov.

Bloomberg (05/2019): The Race to Lead the European Central BankBloomberg (05/2019): Whatever He Takes Next, Draghi Probably Won’t Vanish After ECB

EuropaToday (05/2019): “Gli italiani più ricchi dei tedeschi”. Lo dice Bankitalia, ma è davvero così?

Bloomberg (03/2019): ECB Keeping Rates Low for Longer Poses Financial Stability Risk, Papadia Says


Bloomberg (11/2018): ECB can’t do anything for Italy, Papadia says

Milano Finanza (11/2018): Standoff between Rome and Brussels expected to continue

Columbia SIPA (09/2018): Central Banking in turbulent times. A book discussion with Francesco Papadia

Milano Finanza (08/2018): Mercati a rischio Italia e rischio Europea – L’intervista a Francesco Papadia

Kitco News (06/2018): Italy’s Problems Are Not Economic And Far From Over: Former ECB Director

Bloomberg (05/2018): Italy Must Commit to Euro Before Elections, Says Papadia

Bloomberg (03/2018): Francesco Papadia Says ECB Is Exiting Its Policy


Bloomberg (11/2017): Dovish ECB Move Could Have Been Tighter, Says Papadia

Bloomberg (05/2017): Brugel’s Papadia Sees ECB Completing Taper in 2018

Bloomberg (02/2017): Bruegel’s Papadia Sees Central Bank Independence Threats



Bloomberg (12/2016): Brexit Makes No Sense Economically


Bloomberg (12/2016): U.S. Protectionism Is a Major Worry


Bloomberg (12/2016): ECB to Slow QE Pace in 2018

Bloomberg- ECB QE

Bloomberg (10/2016): ECB QE


ABC 24 News

ABC 24 News

CNBC_Worst hit markets on Monday

CNBC (05/2015) – Worst hit markets on Monday

Bloomberg ECB QE Working More Than Expected Papadia

Bloomberg  (03/2015)- ECB QE Working More Than Expected


Kitco News (2013): LBMA-Is Europe wasting a good crisis

BBC- Greece vs Brussels: A Game of Chicken?